Tuesday, March 10, 2009

What is it about faith...

In Matthew chapter six verses twenty-five through thirty-four, we are exhorted not to worry. What! How is that possible? I have found myself worrying about a lot of things lately. What about my job? Where is the money going to come from? How am I going to do that? When will this get better? When will this be over? What am I supposed to be doing? On and on -- I have been mulling over and over and over again circumstances and situations wondering what it is that I can do to produce the outcome I desire. I have come to realize after re-reading this portion of scripture again that worrying is not my full time job -- it is not even supposed to be a hobby -- I'm not even to give it place in my life.

I know, I know -- it is the Word of God -- it should be simple to listen and obey right? Easier said than done -- but nothing is impossible to those who believe!

The one thing I have found that is impossible is to please God -- without faith that is (Hebrews 11:6). Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see (Hebrews 11:1). Even though the Lord knows what we need before we ask, we still must actually do the asking. There must be action on our part, coupled with our faith, if we expect to experience the result of prayer. I used to think --- I don't need to pray -- God already knows what I need, He can handle it, He is more than able to take care if it -- I don't need to do anything. Boy, could I ever be more wrong. Faith without works is dead.

With this subtle revelation I believe the Lord has been speaking to me to remember all the times He has abundantly provided for all our needs. Looking back over my life, I must honestly say that we have not lacked anything. Really. Of course there have been things I have wanted that haven't materialized yet, but for every one that hasn't there are two which have. And, yes, there have been some really tight times -- but, somehow, we always had enough.

I am blessed, my family is blessed, and I am thankful for the Lord's provisions. My job is to continue to be thankful-- to speak His Word -- to grow my faith by hearing His Word and to trust in Him and believe that as I pray He hears me and answers my petitions that I ask of Him.

Death and taxes...

There are two things that are most definitely certain to take place and affect all of us at some point in our lives... death and taxes. I know you've heard that old cliche at least once in your lifetime, however, allow me to elaborate some and share these thoughts:

No matter where we are in life, everything in our own personal world seems to stop when confronted by these two, and yet life cannot wait and goes on without us.

For example, I came home today to find that one of our dogs -- which has been in the family for at least 15 years -- had passed away. There wasn't any indication to me that she was sick -- except for old age -- so it was a little surprising. I had my day all planned out; take my daughter with me in the morning while I ran some errands and then come home and work as many hours as I could to make up for the hours I missed last week. There's nothing like a death notice to shock you back to reality and make you realize that even the best laid plans are always subject to change.

It was just Saturday that "Goober", as we lovingly called her, walked down to the mailbox with my daughter and me as we retrieved the mail. Yesterday afternoon, I took Amaya (my daughter) for a walk in the woods. We played in the leaves, she dug in the dirt with a stick and we visited the neighboring cows and calves. About halfway through our time outdoors I began to wonder where Goober was -- she always joins us for these kinds of adventures. Today, I got my answer.

As I am writing this, I am internally
making plans to lay to rest our beloved Goober in our "pet cemetery" (we have had a few pets die over the years and there is a special place for them out back). On a side note, as I type this my baby boy who was resting peacefully propped up on my chest is now stirring and wanting his mommy to feed him -- life does go on. There is still work to be done and children to feed and taxes to complete -- don't wait for me!

With all of this transpiring, I can't help but think of the "after" effect. What happens when all of this is done away with -- when my time comes and death finds me. They say that death and taxes are certain, but I have another thought, one that, I believe, is probably the most important certainty of all: death comes to us all once and then ETERNITY. There is no doubt about it, we will spend eternity somewhere -- be certain about your choice!

This day I call heaven and earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live. Deuteronomy 13:19 (NIV)

My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me. 28I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one can snatch them out of my hand. 29My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all; no one can snatch them out of my Father's hand. John 10:27-29 (NIV)

Saturday, March 7, 2009

A starting point...

OK, here I am beginning this blog -- which I didn't intend on starting in the first place. However, somehow I was drawn to it and thought about what it was that I might accomplish with it. So, here it is -- just thoughts -- from an ordinary man -- who is becoming an X-traordinary husband, father, friend, and servant.

I am excited about our mens and couples Life Group -- I am excited about City Church -- and am looking forward to more lives being touched, transformed and renewed -- mine especially! I am one of a growing group of extraordinary men --- we are the X-MEN --- and God is changing each one of us and I am thankful to say that He is causing me to go from ordinary to X-traordinary.

I have realized where I have fallen short in my relationship with Jesus, my wife, my children, my family, and my friends. I have not met certain goals and/or expectations I had set for myself-- a deeper meaning in living, loving, and serving. To be quite frank -- I believe God has revealed to me areas where I have been lazy, complacent, and have had an "I don't really care right now" attitude. I have seen selfishness within myself and, while noticing it, didn't do much to change it.

I have let myself live by the desires and cravings of my flesh rather than to submit my body, my life, my purpose to the Lord as a sacrifice. I questioned my purpose, my calling, my heart -- I mean, what I am I doing here anyway? It seemed as if I went from being somewhat effective to deficient in so many areas that it was hard to change course again and get back on the right track. In a sense, I gave up trying -- because after all, "what difference is this going to make anyway?"

I thank God for speaking to me in that "still small voice". I was hurting and seeking and desiring a change. I knew where I was headed was not the right place for me or my family. So many times we take the quietness for granted -- we think we always have to be doing something to fill the void. It is in the quiet time that He is able to speak to us the most -- or should I say it is in those times when we actually are quiet long enough for Him to get a word in. It is funny to me that it happens in the strangest of places -- and I have heard the same from so many it is laughable -- in the shower or bath (maybe I should make my bathtub my new prayer closet -- what do you think??) --just a thought.

Anyway, since that revelation, though, I can honestly say that there has been a breaking away from the old and an entering into the new. It hasn't happened over night and it hasn't been easy -- it will still take time. Transformation doesn't always happen in the blink of an eye, but I know that I am being changed -- into an X-MAN! There is a long road ahead, but it is not impossible. I have a wonderful wife who has always been there by my side, two great children, and the best Pastors anyone could ask for. They are all my support and they offer the strength and wisdom I need to learn and grow. Ultimately, my dependence and trust is solely in the Lord. When I try to fix it, it ends up more broken, but given to God, my disaster becomes His work of art -- after all, I am His workmanship.